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How did you start compounding? What led you to PCCA?  

Our dad, Pat Downing, joined PCCA in 1995.  We’ve been proud members ever since.

What was your toughest patient problem? How did you solve it? 

We had a hospice patient who was allergic to morphine, Demerol® and most of the other opioids. The only thing that helped ease her discomfort ware phenobarbital suppositories; we were proud to compound them for her.

What has been your most satisfying patient experience? 

Dee – Being able to provide information to hormone patients who have no other avenue for information.

– For me, it was providing a therapeutically successful customized ear preparation based on a culture and sensitivity report for a dog who was scheduled to be euthanized if the treatment did not work.

What is your favorite PCCA base, and why?

Dee – Without question, LoxOral®. This base has made an enormous difference for our pharmacy, especially with our “staticky” capsules.

Jenny – For me, SuspendIt® has really proven itself to be our go-to base when we need to make difficult suspensions. It works every single time. 

What is your favorite PCCA educational event, and why?
The Concierge Congress. It reminds us of the International Seminars from the early 2000s, which we really enjoyed. We enjoy sharing our stories, tips and favorite formulations with other members. There is a deep camaraderie at the Concierge Congress.

This year’s Concierge Congress is April 25-27, in Chicago. Concierge Compounding members can register today!

What is your favorite thing about co-owning a pharmacy?

The freedom it provides. We make our own schedules, which makes things so much easier on our family lives. We are very blessed to be in this position. 

What would you tell new compounders? 

Jenny – Don’t lose sight of helping people in need. It’s about helping patients receive their personalized medicine. Just the other day, a patient thanked Dee for getting her the customized hormones she needs so she could finally sleep through the night.

Dee – Yesterday, a dog owner thanked Jenny personally for helping her find an easier way to dose her pup’s seizure medication. It’s about people, not just about making a buck.

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