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by Seth Humble, Digital Content Specialist

The world of pharmacy compounding is often defined by the science that advances it. At a distance, one can see the broad architecture of customized medicine as it currently stands today, high on a foundation built by generation after generation laying brick after brick of research, trials, and testing. Closer inspection reveals the mortar between the bricks, the hope to soothe patient challenges and the will to forge remedies. Many have worked to bring compounding to where it is today. Two of the names that are undeniably attached to PCCA’s contribution to that work are our Director of Research and Development Daniel Banov and our Senior Formulation Pharmacist Fabiana Banov.

When I sat down to speak with them, I learned what so many others know — when Fabiana and Daniel talk about the importance of community within pharmacy compounding, and relentlessly driving innovation for the betterment of patients’ lives, you cannot help but grow enamored with them. There are all the little idiosyncrasies of marriage and true partnership in their speech: finishing each other’s sentences, passing thoughts between one another, smiling while the other speaks. Their story of life together began at pharmacy school in Brazil.

“We chose that specific school because of the knowledge that we could affect pharmacy innovation from both the manufacturing side and the distribution side. That would allow us to help the communities that rely on pharmacies so much there,” Daniel says.

Fabiana adds, “Daniel was focused on more of the research and development. He focused on developing formulas and working with potential types of compounds. I loved chemistry but also loved the idea of pharmacy work allowing me to be close to patients. The people — I love people. That came first for me. So I went to school in São Paulo, and I’m glad I chose it, so I could end up meeting Daniel.” She laughs again, watching Daniel bashfully smile at the comment. “I also owned a pharmacy. So I understood the business side of things a little better.”

“And of course, she still does,” Daniel interjects, his smile widening. Fabiana laughs at the admission. “I became a teacher,” he adds, “teaching compounding methods and new techniques that were being developed.”

They take me through their story, how they became friends in college, up to the point when Daniel finally gathered the courage to ask, “Do you want to date me?” He pauses, taking a deep breath. “Thank God she said yes. Then, we worked together in her pharmacy.”

“Daniel was always creating,” Fabiana says, “working on the more developmental side, and I worked on the more clinical aspects for our pharmacy. “

It was Daniel’s creative mind that drew PCCA’s attention to the work they were doing. After the company had noticed a particular compound Daniel had made, Daniel was asked to present it to PCCA. The company then asked Daniel if he would like to develop a universal product that anyone could use. Plans were made, and on April 19, 2004, Daniel and Fabiana took their first steps as team members into PCCA’s headquarters in Houston, Texas. It was a moment that changed both the company and the Banovs forever.

“It was amazing,” Fabiana recalls. “It was April 19, Daniel’s 30 th birthday. PCCA made a big deal of it; our names were displayed on a banner when we arrived. Everyone was so excited we were joining. Everyone was so sweet, waiting for us at the front door.” She covers her mouth, like a child about to whisper a secret. “We didn’t even know English yet! But everyone was patient with each other while we were learning. And we worked right beside others, doing our work. Pharmacy compounding is its own language — the work was the language.”

“Those were the beginning days,” Daniel says. “Those are the days that led up to us creating VersaBase® Cream. We changed our country, put everything on the side, all the work we had done in Brazil for so many years. It’s also the beginning of Fabiana’s work in flavoring. It was really complicated work, and I’m very proud of her.”

“When did it strike you that future research and development was going to be essential for the company moving forward?” I ask.

Daniel leans forward. “There are always challenges to be solving for patients. Research and development takes a lot of resources and time and effort. But we knew that being able to develop new products, especially our bases — which are the absolutely most effective compounding bases available — would provide foundations for API delivery. That’s the big picture. The more foundational bases we created, the larger number of people we could provide compounded medicine to. Our job is to look not only at the now, but five, 10 years down the road and see what patients need and will need. The company invested heavily in terms of resources and equipment to give us that ability. It’s meant everything to us to have those resources, you know?”

Fabiana nods along with him, “It’s truly amazing what PCCA has accomplished and done for us.”

When I ask them what 17 years with PCCA has meant to them, Fabiana answers first, eagerly: “The people that we work with, everyone at the company, it has felt like we have all been one family on one path. Working together, it’s unity, 17 years of unity.”

Daniel adds, “Seventeen years of honesty. Working for a company that is honest and dedicated. That’s made all our work worth it.”

This is Daniel Banov and Fabiana Banov.

Among the many incredible people working in the industry today, the Banovs are keystones set into the arches of PCCA’s bridge toward the future. Each of them provides incredible support to their teams, allowing the company to reach higher and further year after year. They are the consummate example of all the many good things that can come out of life together. Together as husband and wife, colleague and colleague. Together as members of the PCCA family.

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