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This Profile in Personalized Medicine highlights Emily Roberts, BPharm, owner of Emily Roberts Pharmacy in Bendigo, Victoria, Australia. Emily Roberts Pharmacy has been a proud PCCA member since 2007.

How did you start compounding? What led you to PCCA?

I had previously worked at a compounding pharmacy in my area. This pharmacy was sold and stopped compounding. In the meantime, I had purchased my own pharmacy and recognized the opportunity. I was familiar with PCCA from my previous workplace and knew I needed a full solution (support, supply and training) to get up and going.

“I was familiar with PCCA from my previous workplace and knew I needed a full solution (support, supply and training) to get up and going.”

What was one of your toughest patient problems? How did you solve it?

My toughest patient problem was a 10-year-old boy who needed treatment with fluoxetine for anxiety associated with autism spectrum disorder. A 5 mg/mL liquid formulation with a 1 mL dose was prescribed since the boy was unable to swallow capsules. Fluoxetine HCl is one of the least palatable medicines I can think of, so in our formulation, we deployed all of our best ideas to improve the taste — sweeteners; SuspendIt®; marshmallow flavor; and the secret weapon, Bitter Stop. The patient still refused to take the medicine. We tried banana flavor. Sadly, that didn’t do the trick, either. We tried a flavor combo of marshmallow and strawberry. It was still not a winner. We had success at last with a fluoxetine 1 mg/mL 5 mL dose because the concentration was lower and we were able to hide the taste more.

What has been your most satisfying patient experience? What was their health challenge? How did you assist them?

My most satisfying patient experience has been helping a young baby suffering with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). We made an omeprazole suspension for the baby according to the doctor’s prescription, but the child still had symptoms. At this time, I had a conversation with PCCA about the formula, and the suggestion was made to try a maximum dose volume of 2 mL.

At this point the baby was only six weeks old, and Mum was yet to sleep! She was also ready to give up on the omeprazole. After a chat about it, Mum was willing to try this idea, and we got the approval from the prescriber to change the formulation. For the first time since the baby was born, everyone in the house was asleep at the same time. The next day, I received an emotional phone call — Mum was extremely grateful.

What is your favorite PCCA base, and why?

WO6® Anhydrous Topical Gel. This base feels more like an expensive cosmetic than a vehicle for medical treatment. It also offers extended beyond-use dates for compounds, which patients, prescribers and pharmacists love!

What is your favorite PCCA educational event, and why?

PCCA Australia’s Annual Conference, especially the one from June 2017. The best presentation was by PCCA member Jeff Carson from Oakdell Pharmacy in San Antonio, Texas. His “What’s in the box?” discussion was about making points of difference for your pharmacy practice.

What is a recent patient success story?

Yesterday! The patient had visited four other pharmacies to see if they could make her compounded medication, and we were able to have it ready on the same day.

What advice do you have for new compounders?

Call PCCA every time!

What was the moment you realized that joining PCCA was going to make a difference for your pharmacy?

I realized the value of PCCA at the very beginning. My pharmacy was a compounding startup, and there was so much to learn that I had not had to consider in my previous practice in a regular pharmacy — how to package compounds, when compounds should not be compounded, pitfalls to avoid and the rest. PCCA has always been there to offer me support.

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