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How do you live these 3 Principles in your practice of compounding or at your pharmacy?

Principle #16 – Assume Positive Intent

Most compounders want to do something to help protect them from threats to the industry but are just too busy working "the bench" to participate. Sometimes even small things, like reposting something related to regulatory threats on their social media pages, can be impactful. Check out for resources.

Principle #17 – Practice Blameless Problem-Solving

We all just want what's best for our patients and working together with providers is the best way to improve patient care. Develop personal relationships with local providers so they know who to call when they have a problem that they are having trouble solving. Going out of your way to follow up with the prescriber and patient can both go a long way.

Principle #21 – Get Clear on Expectations

I always like to under-promise and over-deliver — it's great to delight or surprise your customers by getting their prescriptions to them sooner than promised, and they always remember who provides exceptional service. Word-of-mouth marketing is powerful and patients telling their providers good things about their pharmacy of choice helps steer more business your way.

What makes you most excited about pharmacy compounding? AND/OR what is the most satisfying part about being a compounding pharmacist?

I like helping patients and prescribers solve problems, trying to think outside of the box and come up with creative solutions to improve patient health.

What was your toughest patient problem, and how did you solve it? OR what has been your most satisfying patient experience?

Hormone patients are often both the toughest and the most satisfying. If I can help improve a woman's quality of life by suggesting treatment options to her provider that work — it changes her life for the better!

What advice would you give someone who is new to pharmacy compounding?

If you don't know — don't guess. Do the research, ask your colleagues. Use your resources.

What does The PCCA Standard™ or PCCA quality mean to you and your pharmacy?

PCCA stands behind their products and is innovative in coming up with exciting new bases and excipients that make compounding both easier and more elegant.

What is your favorite PCCA Education event or training course? Why?

I'm partial to the hormone training, as it also teaches me something new to apply to my patients and practice.

What is your go-to PCCA base? Why?

I think the easiest base to "sell" is Atrevis Hydrogel®. The marketing materials are easy to understand and helpful, and using Atrevis Hydrogel vs. other bases really does improve absorption of testosterone.

Why are you a PCCA member? What does PCCA mean to you and your pharmacy?

Pharmacists who compound should have access to ALL the resources available, including being members of PCCA. The more information available to a compounder, the better job they'll be able to do.

Listen as Tenille describes what excites her about pharmacy compounding and the most satisfying part of being a compounding pharmacist.

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