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By Amy Shank, PCCA Director of Government Relations
In June 2021, more than 70 registrants attended the annual PCCA ACT (action, commitment and time) Legislative Conference. The goal of the event is to empower compounding pharmacists to build relationships with their lawmakers in Washington, D.C., so that policymakers are more informed about pharmacy compounding. Those who are more informed are more likely to make patient-centered decisions. The conference was virtual since Congressional offices were not yet open to the public for large group meetings.
Lawmakers who are informed about compounding by their constituents — including PCCA members — tend to be the most supportive of patient access to compounded medications. Our hope is that these champions will engage the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and others about barriers that could restrict or eliminate a pharmacist’s ability to lawfully compound a medication, despite a patient-specific prescription from a health care provider. What follows is a brief summary of the conference highlights.
PCCA’s 2021 ACT Legislative Conference by the Numbers
What Pharmacists Asked of Their Legislators
We encourage compounding pharmacists, prescribers and patients to stay informed on the issues that could affect the ability to prescribe, compound medication or take a compounded medication. If PCCA members have questions or requests for additional information, they can contact our Public Affairs team at
Also on The PCCA Blog: What the FDA’s Final MOU Means for Your Practice
Amy Shank, PCCA’s Director of Government Relations, previously served as Vice President of Capitol Hill Consulting Group, where she advised pharmacy, pharmaceutical and university clients on federal legislative priorities. Amy also has over 10 years of experience in the United States Senate. She was the Director of Oversight and Investigations for the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. She was also a senior policy advisor to the Senate HELP Committee. Amy was a senior analyst for the Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, former Senator Don Nickles, R-OK, and began her legislative career in his Republican Whip office as a policy advisor.