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In 2021, we were proud to honor some wonderful pharmacy compounding professionals who make a big difference in their communities. We presented our annual awards to these extraordinary and deserving compounders in October and November this year.

Congratulations to Vincent Canzanese, RPh, PCCA’s 2021 M. George Webber Compounding Pharmacist of the Year

Vincent Canzanese poses with his painting of Dr. M. George Webber, which he received as part of his award.

We are proud to name Vincent M. Canzanese, RPh, of Summit Health Pharmacy in Brookhaven, Pennsylvania, as our 2021 M. George Webber Compounding Pharmacist of the Year. This award is presented annually to an American independent pharmacist who has demonstrated service excellence to patients, health care providers and pharmacy colleagues.

PCCA President Jim Smith presented the award to Vincent on October 22, 2021, during PCCA’s 40th anniversary International Seminar in Houston, Texas.

“Vince is one of the most dedicated, driven and passionate compounding pharmacists in the country,” Jim said. “His commitment to his patients, especially his pediatric patients, is remarkable. And his advocacy efforts to ensure patient access to compounded medication at both the state and federal level are immense. Vince and his team run a professional and highly ethical practice where the patient always comes first.”

The late M. George Webber, PhD, for whom the award is named, was a longtime professor with the University of Houston College of Pharmacy and was instrumental in the formation of PCCA in 1981. He was unwaveringly committed to meeting patient needs and upholding the highest quality and ethical standards and shared his expertise and love for compounding with his colleagues and his students for more than 40 years.

Read more about Vincent and his award on the PCCA News page.

Congratulations to Cathy Puffer, RPh, PCCA’s 2021 Canadian Compounding Pharmacist of the Year

Cathy Puffer poses with her Canadian Compounding Pharmacist of the Year award.

We are proud to name Cathy Puffer, RPh, of Remedy’s Rx on Kent in Lindsay, Ontario, as our 2021 Canadian Compounding Pharmacist of the Year. This award is presented annually to a Canadian independent pharmacist who has demonstrated service excellence to patients, health care providers and pharmacy colleagues.

PCCA Canada General Manager Amanda Cassel and PCCA Territory Manager Corinn Ponton presented the award virtually to Cathy on November 6, 2021, during the pharmacy’s annual holiday party in Lindsay, Ontario. Cathy’s staff and family were in attendance as well, along with several other PCCA team members who joined virtually.

“At PCCA, we believe in recognizing the people who inspire us,” Amanda said. “This award is our way of tipping our hat at someone who goes above and beyond — not only in compounding, but also in patient care. And Cathy, this could be your mantra.”

Cathy said, “I know many of the pharmacists who have won this in the past, and I don’t feel that I am in their league.” She also recognized her staff for contributing to this achievement and said that she accepted the award with gratitude on behalf of the entire team at Remedy’s Rx on Kent.

Read more about Cathy and her award on the PCCA News page.

Congratulations to Jeffery R. Bray, MBA, MAED, SHRM-SCP, the Recipient of the 2021 L. David Sparks Advocacy Award

Jeffery Bray poses with his L. David Sparks Advocacy Award.

We are proud to name Jeffery R. Bray, MBA, MAED, SHRM-SCP, of MedQuest Pharmacy in North Salt Lake City, Utah, as the recipient of the L. David Sparks Advocacy Award. Named for PCCA’s chief executive officer, this award celebrates passionate, committed and tenacious advocates for pharmacy compounding.

PCCA Vice President of Public Affairs, Communications, Education and Human Relations Lizzie Harbin recognized Dave’s legacy and presented the award with him to Jeffery on October 21, 2021, during PCCA’s 40th anniversary International Seminar in Houston, Texas.

“Jeff truly embodies the meaning of the word ‘advocacy,’” Lizzie said. “He is ever present and takes advantage of every opportunity to advocate for compounding. Jeff has mastered the art of regularly hosting in-district visits with lawmakers, educating them on compounding safety and quality, and explaining how compounding fits into health care as they tour his pharmacy.”

In 2021, PCCA transitioned its annual Evelyn Timmons Advocacy Award to honor Dave Sparks, and the men and women who tirelessly advocate for patients and compounded medicine. Inspired by Evelyn Timmons’ advocacy work, Dave has been a longstanding advocate of pharmacy compounding and has led the effort to preserve pharmacists’ right to compound through legislation and regulatory reforms. He was the owner/pharmacist of multiple independent pharmacies before joining PCCA in 1988. He became PCCA president in 1992, then CEO in 2009.

Read more about Jeffery and his award on the PCCA News page.

Congratulations to Bryan Ziegler, PharmD, MBA, the Recipient of the 2021 George Roentsch New Innovator Award

Bryan Zeigler poses with his George Roentsch New Innovator Award.

We are proud to name Bryan Ziegler, PharmD, MBA, of Moss Compounding Pharmacy in Florence, South Carolina, as the recipient of the 2021 George Roentsch New Innovator Award. Established in 2010 and formerly known as the George Roentsch Scholarship, this award is given annually to an up-and-coming independent pharmacist and PCCA member who embodies the innovative and sharing nature for which George Roentsch was well-known in the pharmacy compounding community.

PCCA Director of Member Engagement Erin Michael, MBA, MS, CPhT, presented the award to Bryan on October 23, 2021, during PCCA’s 40th anniversary International Seminar in Houston, Texas.

“Bryan has done some amazing things in a short period of time,” Erin said. “A PCCA member for only five years, he has taken an existing business and grown it into an innovative practice where practitioners lean on him to help solve medication problems. He is always willing to share information with his colleagues and proactively looks for ways to learn from others in an effort to help his patients.”

The late George Roentsch, RPh, was the owner and pharmacist of The Apothecary in Keene, New Hampshire, and is fondly remembered for his work, which advanced the art and science of custom-made prescription medications. Roentsch was passionate about pharmacy compounding and generously shared many of his formulas and innovations with fellow compounders.

Read more about Bryan and his award on the PCCA News page.

See our 2020 honored compounders and 2019 honored compounders on The PCCA Blog.

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