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Using social media to showcase your pharmacy delivers multiple benefits. Learn how to “get social” to market your pharmacy, gain insights and mark your brand’s footprint in the virtual world.


PCCA's Marketing Manager Sarah DeCarlo provides a cutting-edge list of exciting ways pharmacists and pharmacy owners can use the Shop Small® movement to market their pharmacies.


Bill Letendre, PCCA's Vice President of Pharmacy Management Systems (CPMS) discusses how building partnerships with other surrounding businesses in communities can be a powerful marketing tool for compounding pharmacies.


Erin Michael provides some key takeaways from PCCA's 2020 Marketing and Sales Virtual Conference. She specifically outlines advice for pharmacists controlling what they can control during the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of social media, and how virtual meetings provide a fresh, often untapped opportunity.


If you want to help your pharmacy stand out in a competitive field, it’s not enough to just say that you have quality products. Here are five ways that you can translate your investment in quality into your competitive advantage.


Come check out the new April episodes of the Mortar & Pestle podcast!