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So what would you like to do this year that you haven’t done before? What would you like to do better? It's time to set some SMART Goals for 2019!


A great base for dermatological and cosmeceutical compounding requires certain qualities. For compounding pharmacies who need an anhydrous base that does the most, let us tell you about W06 and what it can do for your patients.


Mark Gonzalez, PharmD, is a Clinical Compounding Pharmacist at PCCA. He has an encouraging word for those interested in finding a career in Veterinary Compounding. The first word, he says, is to "..dream big."

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I always found compounding interesting. As a young pharmacist, working in the hospital world and later for chain pharmacy, I was always intrigued by the uniqueness of it. I was not fulfilled by hospital or chain pharmacy, though. In the chain world, I was a supervisor of 25 stores. I felt unfulfilled in that position and left to gain experience in independent pharmacy.

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My father is a pharmacist. He owned a store for over 20 years, and I worked for him for 17 years. It was a family-oriented store—independent—and my parents, my brother and I worked together there. I loved filling prescriptions and learning the field as well as working with customers who became like family to us. It was the kind of job you enjoyed going to every day.

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By Bryan Prescott, Pharm D-- Bryan is the Director of Management Coaching Services for PCCA’s Compounding Pharmacy Management Services.

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I didn’t start out in pharmacy, but I did start out in health care. I worked as a diagnostic medical sonographer for eleven years. An opportunity presented itself in 2004 to work at a compounding pharmacy helping to manage the hormone patients. Within months, I become a certified technician and went to PCCA for primary and aseptic training.

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I wanted to do something in the medical field but couldn’t stand needles or the site of blood, so pharmacy was the most logical choice. Fast forward to now: We offer immunizations and autologous eye drops (serum tears), which involve both, so I guess you could say my comfort level has changed. But looking back, I wouldn’t have changed anything.

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Vote for Your Favorite Compounding Kiki Challenge Video

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PCCA Compounding Technician of the Month: October 2018