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Bryan Prescott discusses how the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020, an amendment to the previously passed Paycheck Protection Program, can provide move benefits and ease some restrictions for pharmacies during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Erin Michael provides some key takeaways from PCCA's 2020 Marketing and Sales Virtual Conference. She specifically outlines advice for pharmacists controlling what they can control during the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of social media, and how virtual meetings provide a fresh, often untapped opportunity.
Congratulations to Angie Huff for being our June Profile in Personalized Medicine. These profiles celebrate members of the PCCA family who have proven to be champions of Pharmacy Compounding by providing the highest quality of service to their patients.
Mark discusses the importance of pharmacies having follow-up programs and three myths that hinder pharmacies from having follow-up programs that provide patients with a positive experience.
Fabiana Banov provides a list of the NEW (and original) PCCA flavors available for veterinary use. She also provides optional sweeteners that Vets can incorporate into their recipes so that our furry friends can get the medicine they need in a flavor they will enjoy.
Nat Jones of PCCA's Clinical Services Team discusses the clinical data about the efficacy of Permeation-enhanced topical pain therapy (PETPT) or transdermal pain therapy. He provides a brief history of transdermal pain therapy and evidence of the levels of efficacy PETPT has within medicine.
Congratulations to Masoud and Anna Rashidi for being our May Profile in Personalized Medicine. These profiles celebrate members of the PCCA family who have proven to be champions of Pharmacy Compounding by providing the highest quality of service to their patients.
Bryan Prescott, Director of Management Coaching Services at PCCA, recently spoke on PCCA's The Mortar & Pestle podcast to provide pharmacies a series of steps they can take to sustaining revenue and managing expenses during the coronavirus outbreak.
As long as COVID-19 is spreading in communities, everyone is encouraged to practice social distancing and face-covering, regular and thorough hand hygiene, appropriate respiratory hygiene, and good disinfection habits. PCCA Science has been researching published literature and would like to discuss what evidence is currently available regarding the questions revolving around hygiene, social distancing, and good disinfection habits.
PCCA's Clinical Services team is populated with hard-working, dedicated pharmacy professionals who strive each day to make a difference in pharmacy compounding. As a team, they act as a cornerstone of PCCA's abiding desire to provide pharmacies with answers to tough questions. The Clinical Services Spotlight is a limited series of articles designed to highlight a singular member of the Clinical Services team. This article focuses on Sara Hover, RPh, FAARM.